Pregnancy can be considered one of the amazing and fascinating cycles of life. Interestingly, there are nine different types of pregnancy, and many people don’t have the right information about them. Intrauterine pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, singlet pregnancy, and molar pregnancy are only some of the types of pregnancy that are easily known in the medical field. Ectopic pregnancy is a type of pregnancy that happens outside of the uterus, and today, we will learn more about this condition.
About Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is one of the rare medical conditions in which a fertilized egg implants and develops outside of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy is also known as abnormal implantation, and it is diagnosed as a serious health risk, increasing risk factors for the pregnant person.
Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms
The fertilized egg usually begins its development in the fallopian tube, which is the main connector of the ovaries and uterus. Moreover, the fertilized egg can’t grow well in these circumstances due to its location.
An ectopic pregnancy doesn’t include a success rate, and only the uterus can carry the fetus for pregnancy.
Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms
The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are like normal pregnancy. They share similarities in some symptoms, and some of the symptoms are additional in ectopic pregnancy. For instance, having severe pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, and lower back plus vaginal bleeding can be one of the ectopic pregnancy symptoms.
Dizziness, weakness of the body system, and other additional symptoms, such as fainting, low blood pressure, severe shoulder pain, and bowel problems, are also some of the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy can increase a lot of risk factors in the body and can create serious health concerns for the pregnant person.
Ectopic Pregnancy Test
Ectopic pregnancy tests involve several different ways. It is hard to accurately determine whether the pregnancy is ectopic or not as some of its symptoms are similar to regular and normal pregnancy.
Determining and evaluating hCG levels with a blood test is common. If pregnancy is normal, hCG levels should double every 36 to 48 hours, while in ectopic pregnancy, these levels can rise slowly or plateau. hCG is the human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced during pregnancy.
Other tests can include using ultrasound or a pelvic examination to check the pelvic area for probable ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic Pregnancy Causes
The causes of ectopic pregnancy are related to the movement of the egg due to the harsh conditions in the uterus. If you have experienced scar tissue, adhesions, or inflammation from a pelvic surgery that you’ve had, you will likely experience an ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic Pregnancy Causes
Moreover, suppose your fallopian tubes have been damaged from a sexually transmitted infection known as STI or have an irregularly-shaped fallopian tube.
In that case, it can lead to this type of pregnancy. Also, a blocked fallopian tube can cause ectopic pregnancy. Lastly, previous ectopic pregnancy can also increase the risk of its recurrence.
Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment
The common method for ectopic pregnancy treatment is surgery. Healthcare providers also suggest using special medications. One of the well-known medications for ectopic pregnancy is Methotrexate, which stops the development of a fertilized egg and ends the pregnancy.
Methotrexate doesn’t damage the fallopian tubes and has fewer risks. Methotrexate requires only a single injection, and in rare situations, the pregnant person should go for a second injection.
Surgery is also another way to remove and cure the ectopic pregnancy. Surgery is ideal for women who are dealing with a ruptured fallopian tube or at risk of rupture.
Surgery is considered for emergency ectopic pregnancy treatment, and it is done by small incisions in the abdomen. Surgery in these circumstances is the ideal way to preserve fallopian tubes.
Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosis
Because of the similarities to a normal pregnancy, distinguishing the difference is quite challenging. Ectopic pregnancy is hard to diagnose for normal people, and it should be consulted with a healthcare provider for prior awareness.
Tests such as blood tests, urine tests, and an ultrasound examination will confirm the type of pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy diagnosis is discovered in the early weeks of pregnancy as soon as you get to the healthcare provider for your first tests.
Ectopic Pregnancy Risk Factor
The main risk factors for ectopic pregnancy are divided into several topics. These risk factors can indicate ectopic pregnancy, and all of them should be considered. Previous ectopic pregnancy and tubal surgery are more likely to increase the chances of having an ectopic pregnancy.
Infections and inflammation such as gonorrhea, fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF), and smoking before planning for pregnancy can lead to or increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy can damage the fallopian tubes and can be life-threatening if it doesn’t get removed by healthcare providers.
Ectopic Pregnancy vs Normal Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy and normal pregnancy are brothers under the skin. Hence, the difference between ectopic pregnancy and normal pregnancy is that one is dangerous, and the other one has fewer risks.
Ectopic Pregnancy vs Normal Pregnancy
In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants inside the uterus and starts to grow in that environment. But, in an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus and can occur in the ovary, abdomen, cervix, or fallopian tube.
Ectopic pregnancy is also very similar to tubal pregnancy, where the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube and starts to grow. Ectopic pregnancy can be dangerous.
How Many Weeks Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?
There isn’t any specific time for all ectopic pregnancy cases. However, in most cases, the ectopic pregnancy can last 6 to 8 weeks. The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy can start from 4 to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Women with ectopic pregnancy should get medical help as soon as possible, and there isn’t any chance for an ectopic pregnancy to survive as it can be dangerous.
Ectopic pregnancies usually end in miscarriage or need to be removed for the safe health condition of the pregnant person. Ectopic pregnancy is a rare condition, and its estimated rate is 2 to 3% among people.
How Do You Treat an Early Ectopic Pregnancy?
The early ectopic pregnancy can be treated with methotrexate. It is the best way to treat early ectopic pregnancy if your fallopian tubes aren’t ruptured. This medication allows cells to stop their growth and development.
It can also dissolve the existing cells to prevent the development of early ectopic pregnancy and further damage to your body. Methotrexate is given by a single injection, and the second injection is only given in rare circumstances.
Getting pregnant in the future is possible after the treatments. Hence, unfortunately, once you’ve had an ectopic pregnancy, the chances of getting ectopic pregnancy again are increased in your body.
What Are the Dangers of Ectopic Pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy is surely dangerous, and it is a serious condition. It can increase the rupture of the fallopian tube and result in severe internal bleeding, leading to substantial blood loss.
Dangers of Ectopic Pregnancy
This type of pregnancy not only impacts the system of the body but also results in emotional and psychological distress, leading to grief, anxiety, or even depression. Having an ectopic pregnancy once increases the recurrence in the future and determines long-term health issues for the person.
So, ectopic pregnancy should be treated immediately to prevent further damage and dangers. Recognizing the symptoms and signs can help a lot in truly identifying this condition.
Final Words
With medical science and technology advancements, effective treatments have made their way into different topics and medical conditions. Among various types of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy is one of the most complex medical conditions. It is an important type of pregnancy and has significant risks that should be considered. Learning the symptoms, causes, and the right treatments for ectopic pregnancy is necessary since this type of pregnancy can be life-threatening.