One of the rare conditions and diseases among women is Asherman Syndrome. It is a rare and painful Syndrome acquired by adhesions from the uterus. Asherman Syndrome was first founded in 1894 by Heinrich Fritsch and has other names, such as Fritsch Syndrome or Fritsch-Asherman Syndrome. Asherman Syndrome has many causes and symptoms, and learning more about Asherman Syndrome Symptoms can benefit a lot. In this article, we will examine the diagnosis and treatments of Asherman Syndrome.
About Asherman Syndrome?
Asherman Syndrome is a medical condition that happens to women and mainly affects the uterus. This medical condition usually happens after procedures such as dilation and curettage (D&C) and when scar tissue forms inside the uterus.
What is Asherman Syndrome?
The dilation and curettage are normally done after miscarriage and childbirth. The procedure can also be performed to remove uterine polyps. When scar tissue in the uterus forms, it can cause harm to the walls of the uterus and reduce the size of the uterine cavity. Asherman Syndrome has varied symptoms and can be painful, increasing a lot of risks in your body.
Asherman Syndrome Symptoms
Asherman Syndrome Symptoms are varied, and it can affect the overall system of the body and uterus in women. Having very light periods, commonly known as hypomenorrhea, or generally not having a period (amenorrhea), cramping or pelvic pain, and difficulties with getting or staying pregnant are the general symptoms of Asherman Syndrome.
Bear in mind that these symptoms don’t happen to all patients, and some of them don’t go through these symptoms. Getting clinical advice after having unusual periods or discomforts in the pelvis can identify whether you are going through Asherman Syndrome or not. Asherman Syndrome can be acquired in different ways, such as uterus surgeries, pelvic infections, or cancer.
Asherman Syndrome Causes
Asherman Syndrome is when scar tissue forms inside the uterus. This causes space limitation in the uterus and can even block the cervix. There are many reasons behind this. Asherman Syndrome’s Causes can be divided into five reasons.
For example, after an operative hysteroscopy (removing fibroids with electric tools), one is likely to go through Asherman Syndrome. Dilation and curettage, which is also a type of surgery, can cause this Syndrome. Cesarean section, having infections before a uterine surgery, or radiation treatments can also be the main reasons behind Asherman Syndrome Causes.
Asherman Syndrome Diagnosis
Typically, when a patient experiences Asherman Syndrome symptoms, she can go through an Asherman Syndrome diagnosis. The first stage of Asherman Syndrome diagnosis is the physical examination by a doctor, and sometimes, the doctor can use a medical instrument to check cervical blockage if there is any. Doing a blood test and using ultrasound are also helpful for an in-depth evaluation.
Asherman Syndrome Diagnosis
Asherman Syndrome diagnosis can also be done by hysteroscopy, which is a procedure where the doctor uses a telescope to check the inside of the uterus. This procedure often collaborates with a hysterosalpingogram, which is the injection of dye to display the inside of the uterus better on X-ray.
Pregnancy and Asherman Syndrome
If a woman has Asherman Syndrome, they might wonder about getting pregnant and how it affects the pregnancy. After the treatment, the patient can get pregnant. However, there are also exceptions to this matter. But, in a lot of cases, the answer is yes! People dealing with Asherman Syndrome can also get pregnant, but bear in mind that it can make your situation much harder. If Asherman Syndrome is not cured well, it can cause pregnancy loss. So, it is very important to get the right treatments first and then go for a pregnancy.
Asherman Syndrome Treatment
The most important action after Asherman Syndrome is to visit a reputable medical center. Asherman Syndrome Treatments include several ways and procedures. Hysteroscopic surgery, hormone therapy, and antibiotics are the most common ways to Asherman Syndrome treatment.
One of the suggested procedures is to go through a Hysteroscopic surgery. The doctor will use tools and special instruments to cut the adhesions and get your uterine wall to its normal form. This type of surgery is non-invasive, and estrogen is prescribed after the surgery to speed up the healing and rebuilding process of the uterine cells.
Common Imaging Tests
The most common way to examine the internal organs, especially the uterine walls, is to use imaging tests. Doctors will use common imaging tests to check the details of the Asherman Syndrome and the uterine cells to evaluate and choose the best procedure.
Hysteroscopic Surgery
Hysteroscopy is a common medical way for imaging tests. It can be used for both imaging tests and treatment. In Hysteroscopy, a camera that is attached to a thin tool will be inserted into the vagina and moved up through the cervix to the uterus. This tool gives great details of the uterine walls.
Asherman Syndrome Ultrasound
Another imaging test for examining Asherman Syndrome is to use ultrasound. Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of internal organs and assess their condition. Asherman Syndrome Ultrasound is used in two ways: externally and internally.
The internal procedure of ultrasound involves a thin tool that is inserted into the vaginal. Ultrasound can also be used with a saline solution, which is called saline infusion sonography. This method gives a clearer image of the uterus and includes more details. Using ultrasound for diagnosing Asherman Syndrome is common, and it is very helpful for healthcare providers to get more details of your uterus.
Facts to Learn
- Asherman Syndrome cannot be prevented
- Asherman Syndrome can be cured, and over time, your symptoms will reduce
- You can get pregnant after Asherman Syndrome treatments
- You are also able to get pregnant while having Asherman Syndrome, but it can cause more difficulty
- Asherman Syndrome is not a genetic disease and can be mainly a side effect of surgery or infection
- Asherman Syndrome is on the list of rare diseases, and it doesn’t happen for everyone. However, if you have Asherman Syndrome symptoms, You should consult a healthcare provider
- Stress, obesity, overexercising, and menopause can also be the symptoms of Asherman Syndrome
Although a rare medical condition, Asherman Syndrome can increase the potential complications and risks in your body, such as amenorrhea, risk of pregnancy loss, and abnormal placental implantation, which is a large group of disorders related to maternal, fetal, and neonatal morbidity. Asherman Syndrome can go undiagnosed, and for some people, it doesn’t even have a clear symptom. This Syndrome happens for 30 percent of women with miscarriage, and its true prevalence is unknown. Learning more about Asherman Syndrome Symptoms and Asherman Syndrome Causes can lead to a lesser prevalence.