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Wellness Tour in Iran
Wellness Tour in Iran

A wellness tour is a type of travel experience that focuses on promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being through various activities and experiences. These tours typically incorporate elements such as healthy eating, physical activity, stress reduction, and mindfulness practices to help travelers achieve a state of balance and well-being during their journey.

Wellness and spa tours in Iran offer a unique blend of traditional Persian bathhouses, known as hammams, and modern spa facilities. These tours provide an opportunity to experience the therapeutic benefits of hot springs and mineral-rich waters, as well as enjoy luxurious treatments like massages and beauty therapies.

wellness tour in Iran

Iran has a wealth of natural resources that make it an ideal destination for spa tours. Some of the potentials for spa tourism in Iran include:

  1. Natural hot springs: Iran is home to numerous hot springs with therapeutic properties, such as the Serein hot springs in Ardabil and the Geno hot springs in Bandar Abbas.
  2. Traditional Persian baths: These baths, known as “hammams,” offer a unique cultural experience and provide relaxation and detoxification. Examples include the Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse in Kashan and the Vakil Bath in Shiraz.
  3. Mineral-rich waters: Iran’s water resources contain various minerals that can be used for therapeutic purposes, such as the Urmia Lake and the Mahallat hot springs.
  4. Wellness centers: Many hotels and resorts in Iran offer wellness centers and spas that provide a range of treatments, such as massages, aromatherapy, and hydrotherapy.
  5. Eco-tourism opportunities: Iran’s diverse landscapes, from mountains to deserts, offer opportunities for nature-based spa experiences that incorporate elements such as yoga, meditation, and herbal remedies.

Some popular wellness and spa destinations in Iran include:

  1. Serein: Known for its hot springs with therapeutic properties, Serein offers a relaxing experience amidst beautiful natural landscapes.
  2. Ramsar: This coastal city has several spa resorts that offer a variety of treatments, including mud therapy and hydrotherapy.
  3. Qazvin: Home to ancient hammams like the Qajar Bathhouse, Qazvin also has modern spa facilities where visitors can indulge in various treatments.
  4. Kish Island: As a popular tourist destination, Kish Island boasts several luxury spas resorts with state-of-the-art facilities and a range of beauty and wellness treatments.

During a wellness and spa tour in Iran, you can expect to visit some of these destinations and enjoy a combination of traditional hammam rituals and modern spa treatments, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Wellness tour in Iran

Spa and nature therapy tours offer numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some of the key advantages of these tours:

  1. Stress reduction: Spa treatments, such as massages, and time spent in nature can help reduce stress levels, alleviate anxiety, and promote relaxation.
  2. Improved physical health: Thermal baths, mineral-rich waters, and other spa therapies can improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and enhance immune function. Nature walks and outdoor activities can also boost cardiovascular health and overall fitness.
  3. Mental rejuvenation: Both nature and spa environments provide an escape from the demands of everyday life, allowing individuals to disconnect from technology and focus on self-care, leading to improved mental clarity and reduced mental fatigue.
  4. Enhanced self-awareness: Mindfulness practices and introspection encouraged in these tours can help individuals develop greater self-awareness, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.
  5. Connecting with nature: Nature therapy and eco-tourism experiences allow participants to develop a deeper connection with the natural world, fostering a sense of awe, gratitude, and respect for the environment.
  6. Promote quality sleep: Many spa treatments and time spent in nature can improve sleep quality, helping individuals feel more rested and rejuvenated.
  7. Social connections: Engaging in group tours and activities allows participants to connect with like-minded individuals, fostering new friendships and a sense of community.


If you intend to experience unforgettable trips focusing on nature and spa to improve your physical and mental well-being, you can put this responsibility in the hands of “Medical Journey Co.” This company can arrange trips related to hot springs, nature therapy, massage, salt therapy, and music for you.

To improve your physical and mental health, you can contact Medical Journey Co. and choose the best programs and options for your wellness tours.

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Arrival at Tehran’s IKA airport in the early morning hours; meet and transfer to hotel; later in the day visit to some of Tehran’s major attractions including Tabiat Bridge (the architectural masterpiece of an Iranian woman, Mellat Park to have some walking and also visit the UNESCO-listed Golestan Palace/Museum Complex, built by Fath-Ali Shah of the Qajar Dynasty, dating from the 18th to early 20th century, to visit the Marble Throne Hall and the Shams-ol-Emareh (Sun) Palace, with a walk around the garden to enjoy the beautiful tile-covered walls and buildings; overnight stay at hotel.


Drive to Kelardash, half a day excursion to Rudbarak; a beautiful area with unique views and favorable weather, you will have lunch in the heart of nature after the excursion. continue the drive to enjoy from another outstanding natural attractions under the name of Valasht Lake surrounded by mountains to have some peace of mind (it may be done with local van); overnight stay at hotel.


Drive to Ramsar via Abbas Abad Road; where reality and dream meet each other. Visiting the city of Ramsar, one of the most beautiful coastal cities, walking along the Caspian Sea and moving to the Ramsar Telecabin Complex to experience and release excitations.overnight stay at hotel.


Early morning exercise and meditation in the nature and after breakfast drive to Masal, full day tour of the beautiful city of Masal and its amazing summer houses and waterfalls. One of the must-see of these summer houses is Olsabelengah which suspended in the middle of an ocean of intertwined clouds. An unforgettable area with a dreamy view over the clouds and colorful wooden lodge to enjoy life; overnight stay at full of peace lodges.


Continue to Serein City via Asalem-Khalkhal road and en route visit the Givi Mineral Hot Spring (Issti Su); Givi Spa is considered useful for treating skin, digestive diseases and joint diseases such as rheumatism and joint pain. From here drive to the Sarein; the land of hot springs and nature; overnight stay at hotel.


Full day tour of the beautiful city of Sarein to enjoy a hot bath in some very famous mineral hot springs there such as Gavmishgoli, Beshbajilar or Sabalan Water Therapy with a temperature of 46 degrees; overnight stay at hotel.


Drive to Meshkin shahr to use hot spring centers that is situated in the heart of the mountains and swimming in the mineral water and also listening to some folklore Turkish music, overnight stay at Eco-camp Dorna or 3-star hotel.


Morning visit in Meshkin Shahr to include Meshkin Shahr Suspended Bridge which is the longest and highest cable-stayed suspension bridge in the Middle East at a height of 80 meters above Khiav River, also visit one of the very famous hot springs; Qinarjeh which is one the hottest mineral water spring in Iran with a temperature of 82 degrees; overnight stay at hotel.


Drive to Tabriz, after a short break you will have a half a day city tour including El-Goli and Blue Mosque, known in the world as the Turquoise of Islam, overnight stay at hotel.


Morning drive to Lake Orumiye via Shahid Kalantary Bridge to benefit from salt therapy in the vicinity of Lake Orumiye and return to Tabriz for overnight stay at hotel.


Morning Flight to Tehran and directly transfer to IKA to departure.