Uterine disorders can sometimes be challenging medical issues to treat and cope with. However, with the guidance of gynecologists and advanced technology, these issues have become less complicated in today’s world. Uterine prolapse is a uterine disorder that occurs when the pelvic floor muscles get stretched and weak over time and can no longer support the uterus. Consequently, the uterus is visible from the opening of the vagina and is so-called pushed out. Uterine prolapse is diagnosed in women who age and go through menopause and also in women who have given birth several times.
Uterine Prolapse Stages
Uterine prolapse has different degrees, and according to the degrees, the treatments will also differ.
- First degree: the cervix falls into the vagina
- Second degree: the cervix hangs up to the vaginal opening.
- Third degree: the cervix comes out of the vagina.
- Fourth degree: the uterus is completely out of the vagina, which is also called uterine prolapse.
Uterine Prolapse Stages
Uterine prolapse can be complete or incomplete. When the uterus is partially sunken into the vagina, it is incomplete prolapse. When the uterus hangs so much that some of its tissue protrudes from the vagina, it is a complete prolapse.
Uterine Prolapse Symptoms
Mild protrusion usually does not have specific symptoms, but moderate and severe protrusion has symptoms including:
- Tissue protruding from the vagina
- Difficulty urinating or urinary incontinence
- Difficulty with bowel movement
- A feeling of heaviness or pulling in the pelvis
- Sexual concerns, such as feeling loose in the vaginal tissue
- A sensation such as sitting on a small ball or something discharging from the vagina
- Often, morning symptoms are less bothersome and worsen as the day passes
Given that the symptoms of your uterine prolapse are bothersome and are interfering with your daily activities, see your doctor to discuss treatment and prevention. Protrusion of the uterus is usually due to weakness in the pelvic muscles. It is also related to tissues known as back tissues. This includes weaknesses that exist in pelvic muscles and pelvic tissues.
In case of these symptoms, see a doctor promptly and seek immediate treatment. If enough attention is not given to the said symptoms, the bowel, bladder, and reproductive system may get impaired.
Uterine Prolapse Causes
For several reasons, the muscles of the pelvic floor can become weakened and lead to the prolapse of the uterus. These factors are:
- Pregnancy
- The birth of a large baby
- Overweight or obesity
- Lifting heavy objects
- Chronic cough or bronchitis
- Lower estrogen levels after menopause
- Difficulty giving birth or injury during childbirth
- Chronic constipation or straining with bowel movements
- Family history and weakness in hamstring tissue
- Primary pelvic surgery
Women who have had multiple pregnancies and are in the stages of menopause are at a higher risk of having uterine prolapse. Any activity that inserts excessive pressure on the pelvis can also increase the risk of this medical disorder.
Uterine Prolapse Causes
How Is Uterine Prolapse Diagnosed?
A doctor can diagnose uterine prolapse by evaluating and checking the symptoms and performing a pelvic examination. Also, by using a device called a speculum, the healthcare provider can observe the inside of the vagina and examine the vaginal canal and uterus.
These examinations can be done standing or lying down. In addition, ultrasound or MRI helps to diagnose the severity of the uterine prolapse. In some cases, when the uterine prolapse has advanced and reached the 4th degree, the uterus protrudes from the vagina and therefore is visible.
What Measures Should Be Taken When Seeing a doctor?
- Discuss the signs and symptoms you have been experiencing with your doctor.
- List all medications, vitamins, and supplements you take, along with their dosages.
- Make a list of your medical history, recent life changes, and stressors you’ve been involved with
- You may also prepare a list of questions to ask your specialist about your condition.
Prevention and Management of Uterine Prolapse
Generally, the treatment of the disorder depends on its stage and severity. Certain actions and measures can be taken to reduce the risk of infections or prevention of uterine prolapse development. It may not be possible to prevent all cases of prolapse, but there are ways you can reduce your risk. These include:
- Pelvic muscle exercises are done regularly and correctly
- Management and treatment of chronic cough
- Estrogen replacement during menopause
- Prevention and treatment of constipation
- Avoiding lifting heavy objects and using the correct techniques for this task
- Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise for uterine prolapse
- Not smoking! By quitting smoking, you reduce the amount of coughing and the pressure on the pelvic muscles.
There are several tips for lifting heavy objects that can help you avoid injury and prolapse of the uterus, which include the following:
- Before you lift an object, make sure you have a solid footing.
- Do not lift heavy objects by yourself. Also, avoid lifting heavy objects above your waist level.
- To pick up objects lower than your waist, keep your back straight and bend at the knees. Never bend from the waist while the knees are straight.
Prevention of Uterine Prolapse
Uterine Prolapse Treatment
Treatment methods for uterine prolapse are divided into two types: non-surgical and surgical. Non-surgical treatments can be effective only when the uterine prolapse is mild and the patient cannot undergo surgery for medical reasons. If the uterine prolapse is not improved and the symptoms progress, it must be treated. Although most prolapses up to the third degree can be resolved without treatment, more severe cases require medical treatment, such as:
Vaginal Pessary
This is a method where the uterus is kept in position with the help of a device called a pessary. Be sure to consult a specialist to choose the suitable treatment for you.
One of the ways of treatment is surgery which can be done to repair prolapse through the vagina or abdomen. Note that if the patient intends to become pregnant in the future, surgery may not be recommended due to the loss of tissues repaired by surgery following pregnancy or childbirth.
Uterine prolapse surgery is one of the effective methods for treating uterine prolapse. However, it should be noted that surgery is never the first solution. Rather, surgery is used in cases where the disease is in an advanced condition, where there is no other option but surgery.
Non-Surgical Method
To reduce the risk of uterine prolapse, do Kegel exercises (A Kegel (pronounced Kee-gull) is a pelvic floor muscle exercise that can strengthen pelvic muscles, support pelvic organs, and help control incontinence of urine, bowels, and gas.) and regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, having a balanced diet, quitting smoking, not lifting heavy objects, treating chronic lung diseases and controlling severe coughs, and reducing stress are recommended.
Uterine Prolapse Treatment
Medicine to Treat Uterine Prolapse
Estrogen ointments can be used for treating mild uterine prolapse. Suppositories inserted into the vagina can also aid patients in getting treated. Suppositories are of great help in repairing the vaginal tissues and regaining their strength. However, the use of estrogen medication is an adequate choice for women who are going through menopause.
Remember to discuss any questions or concerns about uterine prolapse with your obstetrician-gynecologist so that you can receive an appropriate treatment plan based on your condition.
Final Word
The uterus is held in place by the pelvic muscles and ligaments. If these muscles and ligaments get stretched and weak, they can not hold the uterus in place; thus, the uterus prolapses. When the uterus deviates from its normal position and hangs or falls into the vagina, the so-called uterine prolapse has occurred. If after childbirth, symptoms such as pressure and pain in the abdomen, incontinence of urine and feces, frequency of urination and urgency in its excretion, and the feeling of something like a lump discharging from the vagina, you should see a gynecologist as soon as possible.