Pregnancy can be a challenging process for mothers, requiring great care and caution throughout the cycle. Emergencies may happen during the pregnancy. One of these circumstances is water breaks in pregnancy, where the fetal membrane, known as the amniotic sac growing inside the womb, ruptures and breaks before the start of labor. When water breaks occur, mothers can experience a painless outpouring of fluid or a steady leakage of the sac from the vagina. This can lead to cord compressions, premature births, and infections. Here, we will guide you fully about water breaks, their causes, and more.
Water Breaks in Pregnancy Medical Term
Like any other medical term, Water breaks also have a scientific name that is Premature/Prelabor rupture (breaking open) of membranes, or PROM for short. If water breaks happen 37 weeks before pregnancy, it is called preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM).
Water Breaks in Pregnancy Causes
The rupture of the fetal water sac or water breaking is due to the weakening of the fetal membranes or contractions that take place in the uterus for various reasons. Various causes result in the thinning of the membrane.
- Smoking during pregnancy
- diabetes
- Direct impact with the abdomen
- Genital tract infections
- Cervical surgery or short cervix
- Infection and sexually transmitted diseases
- High blood pressure
- Multiple pregnancies
- Water Breaks in previous pregnancies
- Separation of the placenta
- Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
- Unknown reasons
Does Having Your Water Broken Hurt?
Rupture of the water sac can occur at any time before labor starts, after contractions begin, or just before natural labor. Even in some cases, the amniotic sac around the fetus may remain intact until delivery (cesarean section), and the amniotic sac is broken open by a gynecologist or a surgeon. Another name for the rupture of the fetal water sac is the rupture of membranes.
Is It Pressure Before the Water Breaks? For most people, having their water broken doesn’t hurt much, especially if they’re already in labor or have an epidural for pain management. Some describe it as feeling like a strong menstrual cramp or pressure in the lower abdomen. However, experiences can be different for each person, and some might feel a sudden release of fluid without much discomfort at all.
Water Breaks in Pregnancy without Pain
When your water breaks, you may experience contractions. While you wait for labor to occur and contractions to start, you can rest, take slow and short walks, or focus on other tasks.
If you are staying at home, you can also eat during the early stages of labor. This is important because you may not be able to eat anything when you are in the hospital.
Make sure to follow your doctor’s advice when you are in the hospital after your water sac ruptures. Doctors may give you different recommendations about the time of contractions and when reaching the hospital.
Signs Your Water Is About to Break
How do you know if Your water breaks? In general, a water sac rupture can be like a bucket of water coming out of the vagina or drop by drop and very slowly. In addition, there are a series of other signs that help us understand that the water sac is rupturing.
These symptoms of a broken water sac include:
- The sensation of something bursting inside the abdomen and uterus, followed by an eruption or dripping of liquid from the vagina
- The presence of a small gush of fluids and secretions in the underwear between the legs
- Moisture that is odorless, clear, or pale yellow in color. During pregnancy, women produce leucorrhea—a harmless vaginal discharge caused by increased estrogen levels. Leucorrhea is thin, clear, or cloudy white and has a mild, natural odor that increases as your pregnancy progresses. A Yellow fluid may discharge from the vagina that can be either dark yellow and thick or pale yellow and watery.
- Uncontrollable discharge from the vagina that cannot be contained or stopped
- Fluid leakage that is thin and watery instead of thick and viscous
- Leaking fluid followed by stronger contractions than before
- The presence of a small amount of blood, along with vaginal discharge
Water Breaks in Pregnancy Third Trimester
If water breaks happen during the third trimester, it is a sign that labor may be starting soon. Mothers can feel a gush, a fluid, or a slow trickle. The fluid is usually clear and odorless, but it can sometimes have a slight pink tinge. Some may feel pressure or a popping sensation during water breaks.
How Long After Water Breaks Do You Have to Deliver?
Many pregnant women ask how much time they have after the rupture of the water sac, and the answer to this question may reduce their stress.
If the water sac or membrane breaks naturally, you may feel a slow or sudden gush of fluid that cannot be stopped. The membrane may break before you reach the hospital, but it’s more likely to break during labor.
In popular culture, the breaking of the water sac is the first sign of labor, and it occurs unexpectedly and usually visibly. In the following, we will explain more about water sac rupture and when to see a doctor.
What Should You Do After Your Water Breaks?
If possible, place a sanitary pad (not a tampon) in your pants. Amniotic fluid is clear and colorless or cloudy. After the water sac breaks, your baby is at risk of infection, and your midwife or birth center may ask you to visit the hospital for a check-up.
If the water released has an odor or color or you are bleeding, this could mean that you and your baby need immediate attention. Sometimes, the membrane may break before labor begins.
Most women give birth within 24 hours. If this does not happen, the midwife will have you induce labor, and you will be advised to give birth in a hospital.
This can be due to the possibility of the baby’s risk of infection increasing if the water sac breaks before labor begins.
How to Prevent Water Breaks?
Rupture of the fetal water sac or membrane is a sudden occurrence that has no definite symptoms or reasons.
On the other hand, there is no way to prevent it. But for mothers who are at risk of rupture of the amniotic sac, that is, for example, they had this experience in their previous pregnancies, or are pregnant with multiple fetuses, or have one of the reasons for rupture of the amniotic sac mentioned above.
With medical care, adequate rest, and paying attention to the prescriptions the doctor points out may be able to reduce the risk of water breaks happening. However, it is best to be familiar with the symptoms of water sac leakage and fetal water sac rupture. At the same time, the mother should know what actions cause the rupture of the water sac and should avoid them.
How are the Movements of the Fetus After the Rupture of the Water Sac?
The movements of the fetus should continue after PROM, although some of its movements may decrease. However, if the fetus does not move after the rupture of the membrane, it may be a condition that must be examined by a doctor.
How to Treat Water Breaks?
What to do if the amniotic sac ruptures? The rupture of the fetal water sac may seem like a very dangerous complication that pregnant women are afraid of. But the fact is that this condition can be treated.
When faced with this emergency, the doctor usually performs several solutions, such as the patient must be hospitalized immediately. A doctor must prescribe antibiotics to prevent any type of infection or to treat infections that have occurred.
Various laboratory tests should be performed to ensure control of infection and various conditions of the mother’s body. The mother’s general condition is regularly monitored for fever or pain. The condition, heart rate, and movements of the fetus will be monitored regularly after water breaks.
Medicines related to premature labor will be prescribed in cases where the doctor feels see necessary. If the doctor determines that delivery should be delayed, corticosteroids are prescribed to help fill the baby’s lungs.
What Treatment Measures Are Performed in the Hospital for Water Breaks?
In the hospital, the water sac is examined for perforation and rupture, and the patient’s temperature, pulse, and blood pressure are measured. Also, the heart rate of the fetus is evaluated, and a urine test may be performed to check for infections. The doctor will explain to the patient about her condition, the baby, and the rupture of the membrane.
Final Word
Pregnancy is a difficult and sometimes exhausting process, but at the same time, it can be sweet and lovely for the mother. During this time, mothers experience all kinds of feelings, such as fear, pain, excitement, love, and passion, along with anxiety. Certainly, staying away from anything that causes stress and anxiety for the mother is one of the most significant notes to pay attention to. Proper nutrition, light sports activities, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, and keeping calm will help the mother and the fetus a lot during the time of pregnancy.